Paush Consulting

Retirement Planning

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Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

We’ll help you develop a roadmap for a comfortable retirement, considering factors like your desired lifestyle, retirement age, and income sources, so you can enjoy your golden years stress-free. Read How 

  • Setting Retirement Goals: we will work with you to determine your retirement goals, such as the age you want to retire, the lifestyle you desire, and any specific financial milestones you want to achieve.
  • Estimating Retirement Expenses: we will help you estimate your future expenses during retirement, taking into account factors like healthcare costs, living expenses, and any desired travel or leisure activities.
  •  Creating a Savings Plan: Based on your retirement goals and current financial situation, we will develop a personalized savings plan. This plan will outline how much you need to save each month or year to reach your retirement goals.
  • Investment Strategies: A financial planning company can assist you in selecting the right investment vehicles for your retirement savings. We will help you diversify your portfolio and choose investments that align with your risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Social Security and Pension Guidance: we can provide guidance on when to start claiming Social Security benefits and help you navigate any pension options you may have.

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